Wednesday, October 16, 2024

I Voted

Last day of advance poll - Baldy residents can vote in Oliver today.

On the actual voting day, you vote in Rock Creek.

I was impressed with the new ballot - you put it in a sleeve, and watch someone feed it into a scanner - faster results this year. 

After the storm.........

I was in town when it hit, and followed it home. The sky got very dark. I got soaked and hammered by hail. Slushy patches on the road, and fresh graupel at home. Loud thunder in Oliver.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

End of an Era

It is official, the Harker family cabin has sold. Lots of happy memories with Brian and Kay on the mountain. Kay was a wonderful hostess, cooked amazing food, and was happy with a full cabin. Brian was more than willing to help out with his construction expertise.

John and Margaret Giltrap's cabin has also sold, and is  listed on AirBnB. J & M moved to Panama some time ago.

With the earlier sales of the Akehurst/Payne condo, and Graeme Giltrap's cabin, a group of Baldy long timers have moved on. 

Brian and Kay are happy in their home in Osoyoos. Margaret says Panama is wonderful. Graeme is not that enthusiastic about Panama, and spent the summer here.

I have fond memories of the Akehurst kids when they were little, and enjoyed seeing them back here teaching their kids to ski.

So many properties have changed hands in the last few years, the community is not quite the same. In the early days of Baldy, we did not have running water or telephones. You would see your neighbour filling up their water jugs at the lodge, and it was common to just show up at someone's door for a visit. Those of us who had CB radios knew who was looking for an onion, etc etc.

A lot of the early cabins were built by families who first experienced Baldy as a guest of another Baldy family.

I used to know every property owner. Many new owners don't use their places as much, and rent them other times. There are some cabins that the families have been able to hang on to and pass on to the next generations.

Monday Hike, thanks Cheryl for the photos


Colour on Deadend Trail

View  from Dimma's Meadow

Thank-you to the volunteers who have been removing downed trees from  trails.

Make a difference. Help someone with challenges to enjoy the mountain.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Hike to Baldy Babes Pool




Great weather for this Thanksgiving weekend - enjoy. By Tuesday afternoon we could be wet, by Wednesday evening we could be white, and after that the forecast is for much lower temperatures.

Lots of families in the village. Good visit with Wendy yesterday. Two years ago was a worrisome Thanksgiving for the family. Thankful that she has all three sons healthy and hauling wood this weekend.

Thankful for this young human who brings joy to our hearts.

Both new starts "under control"

The one closest to us has been renamed "McKinney Creek", human caused. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Human Caused new start - West of Madden Lake


New Wildfire - Rice Creek

Facebook says off Alden Road, BCWF says discovered today, spot size, "out of control"