Monday, January 31, 2022

B.C. doctors can now prescribe a year-long pass to Canada's national parks - Canada News

B.C. doctors can now prescribe a year-long pass to Canada's national parks - Canada News: Doctors across several Canadian provinces can now prescribe patients a pass to the country’s national parks system in a bid to improve their mental and physical health.

Baldy Babes and early Birthday Celebration for Marion Boyd

The Boyds were the first to start construction of a cabin on Baldy. Today the Baldy Babes honoured Marion with a cake for her upcoming 80th birthday.

It is a bit of a tradition to celebrate Marion's birthday at Baldy - photo below from Marion's 50th Birthday on Ladies Day.


Another successful outing for the Baldy Babes this morning!  Lunch was excellent as usual.  We WILL have a Baldy Babes on the family day Monday, February 21.  And we are now planning for a Baldy Babes dinner hopefully in February as well. Stay tuned for more news about that!

It was Marion Boyd’s 80th birthday celebration today and so we had cake and a lovely card made by one of the Babes.  Next week the lunch is chicken pasta, along with a starter and a dessert, and the ever present glass of wine!    If you would like to join please text Mindy at 16043519110. 


Hilary and Cheryl

New deposit fee kicks to encourage milk carton recycling - BC News

New deposit fee kicks to encourage milk carton recycling - BC News: As of February 1, you can return milk cartons and milk substitute beverage containers for a 10-cent deposit refund at Return-It recycling collection sites across British Columbia.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday - not a photo kind of day

We've been above the clouds for so long, it was quite the change to ski in them today. Hopefully this is the sign of a change in the weather. Here are a few pics from yesterday.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Unofficial end of January snow measurement


Baldy History Connections

I met a couple from Mt. Washington yesterday - looking at the history sign at the bottom of the Sugar Lump. There is a story behind each name of the runs on that lift.

On the hill today - daughter, son-in-law, grandson, and great granddaughter of Terry Smith. (Smith Slide)

Son of MacLeod.

Bill MacLeod and Terry Smith August 1968
Paul Fairweather photo.

Niece of Fairweather. Son and daughter in-law of Jones.

Paul Fairweather 1973 - family photo
Ethel and Fred Jones - family photo

Not a parking lot

 8 passenger vehicles parked in the upper cul de sac this afternoon.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Saturday - Jersey Day


This lower mainland crew usually comes at Spring Break.


Good groomer skiing, access from the village - a little challenging. The village roads are quite slick, and have been sanded on one side. The full width for the short section to the Wapiti Creek Rd. is sanded.


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


No new snow this week, but lots of sunshine. Looks like we'll be skiing groomers, and soaking up the sun.

This Date 2014 - Marge hosted the Ladies Lunch


Monday, January 24, 2022



Our first trip up the chair lift for two years!  We had a lovely snow shoe down Baldy Babes trail to Gillies Cabin and then back up and over the Connector.  Brad and Mindy did a great job of lunch and we all went home with full tummies!  Next week the lunch will be Shepherd's pie!  Text Mindy at 16043519110

And let her know if you will be joining us for morning coffee/tea and a goodie and or lunch.  We will be leaving the lodge by 10 am so please be there by then if you want to snow shoe!  

Hilary, Cheryl and Marian



Sunday, January 23, 2022

Thanks Paul W for the Snow Art Photos


Spectacular Sunset

I missed it completely. I was working at my computer facing in the wrong direction, unaware that everyone else was outside photographing a spectacular sunset yesterday. Thanks Paul Wickland for this one.

Sunday - Great Day - Ethel would be pleased

Ethel would be happy to know her friends were skiing with her boys.


Saturday, January 22, 2022


Beautiful sunny day - enjoyed Powderkeg, Ponderosa, and others. This is the place to be - the entire Okanagan Valley is under a fog and low cloud advisory - continuing through to tomorrow morning. 

Friday, January 21, 2022


Happy to be skiing Ponderosa.

Happy to see a start on the Powderkeg traverse.

Cats are turning around on Crit Lake - looking forward to seeing them venture toward Honky Tonk, and the start of rounding the corner.

Why are there so many grooming opinions on the mountain? I counted 8 people who live on the mountain or ski here regularly who have previously operated groomers here. Everything from the old Nodwell towing a culvert roller, to older Bombardiers with compactor bars, and some have operated the current machines. Add to that the numbers of skiers here who have skied this mountain for up to 5 decades - and any new staff don't stand a chance of quietly going about their work without hearing opinions from someone.


Interesting Afternoon

I have my 40 year CSIA Certificate, and I was reminded this afternoon why I don't teach skiing anymore - my knees. I snowplowed more this afternoon than I have in years.

On two consecutive runs, I encountered struggling first day skiers on the Baldy Trail, with companions trying to coax them down. We got the first one down in about 45 minutes, and he had actually learned to turn and stop some of the time.

The next run was a very tired first timer, and as he walked and I snowplowed, it became clear that he wouldn't make the bus, Dad called for assistance - thanks Nick for the sled ride.

Unfortunately there were technical issues on the Sugar Lump lift today, so the first timers who wanted more than the magic carpet got on the Eagle later in the day - steeper than they expected, and tired.

Some great parents helping the kids today.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Snowing Wednesday Night

 10:30pm Wednesday night - minus3C- snowing heavily - 6cms so far.


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Baldy Community - Stay in the Loop

We came so close to losing our community last summer. A community focus group has met twice this month, including with the RDKB Emergency Management and Firesmart team. Their presentation was specific to our fire, and included photos after the fire from a fixed wing aircraft, and a lot of good discussion on what we need to do to make our properties more resilient. Both of the RDKB people we talked to are also experienced in firefighting, structure protection, and wildfire.

It has come to the attention of the focus group that there are many strata owners who have not registered with Hometime to receive e-mail communications. Please sign up for e-mail, as that will be the most efficient way for us to send you timely updates as our work progresses.

A community education plan is in the works, and there are many online resources  -  so much easier to send links to you by e-mail.

Enjoy the winter, but don't forget about the fire risk. The time to plan is now, the time to act is as soon as the snow has gone.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Baldy Babes

Thank-you Hilary Drummond and Dyan Goulet for the photos.

Well we had 29 women on the snow shoe yesterday and 20 at lunch.  We made our first journey to the stripper pole and several ladies brought additional apparel to festoon on the pole.  We all admired the lovely new sign provide by Paul Cournoyer!  Thank you Paul! 

Next week, weather permitting, we will go up the Eagle chair and come down the Baldy Babes trail to the Cabin.  If you have a seasons pass it is included to ride the chair up, if you don’t then there will be an additional 15$ charge for a one way ride up the chair.  We will wander down the mountain and arrive back in time for a chili lunch, your choice veggie or meat!

Lift Tickets will be provided in the bar once we know how many need them and will be paid for with your lunch!   If it is a snowy or foggy day we will save the chair lift ride for a clear day so we all get the views.  If you want to confirm your attendance and you didn’t sign up with Mindy yesterday you can send her a text at 16043519110. To let her know you are coming and will be there for morning coffee and or lunch.  If you are just coming on the snow shoe no need to register, just be at the lodge around 950 am ready to leave.  Remember morning treat and coffee/tea is 5$, lunch including an appy, main course and square for dessert, as well as a glass of wine is 25$.  This includes tax and tip.  Snow shoe is priceless! 


See you on January 24!

Smaller ski areas........

A few years ago, Baldy was a stop on a ski tour called something like "Anything but Vail". It was a group of skiers led by a CSIA Level 4 instructor doing a road trip for a good old fashioned ski experience, without the hype and big city atmosphere.

Prior to their day at Baldy, they skied Phoenix, the next stops were Apex and Manning.

There is something special about smaller family friendly ski areas that is lost when the big companies swallow them up.

The first video was shared with me in December - a couple of people who watched it had a tear or two.

The second video was posted today on Castanet.

They take awhile to watch, but are thought provoking - Baldy's Weather Guru has skied all the hills in the first video.

Trouble embedding in this post - videos below.

In Pursuit of Soul

This one supports my belief that lessons should be less expensive, and  instructors paid well.
A proper start and an enthusiastic qualified instructor is so important for getting someone enjoying the sport.

Abandoned Ski Resorts in Western Canada




Want to make a lot of people happy, groom Ponderosa. A pleasant surprise today - we carved it up pretty good in the sunshine, but it will be even better when it is groomed for the second time. One pass wider and I might be tempted to ski like MFW.

Our preseason weather and snow conditions are a gift that keeps on giving. The November wet stuff bent the alder, and a solid base was underneath before a machine got on the slopes. First grooming of  Pondo, no surprises, no scrape offs. Thank-you - it was a blast.

Ponderosa is probably my all time favourite run on Baldy - it existed before Dividend and Powderkeg. The Shaft was a blast back in the day groomed side to side - now that one I would not ski like MFW - he used to go straight down with 220?cm skis.

Shaft was also the run for GS races for Can-Am, Pontiac Cup, and BC Winter Games. 

Great groomer day in the sun.

Sunday, January 16, 2022


Canucks game worth watching - Petey scored twice.

Nice afternoon on the lump.

Saturday, January 15, 2022


Morning Canucks game, not that great. Skiing this afternoon with this family was a lot of fun.

Kyle, Tanja, Cienna

Thanks to one of our favourite paramedics (also a patrol veteran) for putting on the red jacket today to help out Colleen. Also fun when the child transitions from shy to wanting to ride the chair with me. We'll enjoy these times while we can - Cienna is a strong skier, good on her edges, and it won't be long before she'll be leaving us behind.

Thanks Cienna for your patience on the photo run on Baldy Trail.

There you go Cienna - one of the photos I was telling you about.

Friday, January 14, 2022

The 10:00pm and 10:00am Back and Forth Sleds

If they are staying at your place, please advise them that the motor vehicle act applies on Strata Roads. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Zero - Roof Shedding Day

Only part of one side slid so far - look at the debris line. Once the first heavy load goes. my roof sheds regularly with a lot less snow.

Side yard base now 115cm - longer pipe next year.


Thanks Paul Wickland for these photos