Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Hike to Baldy Babes Pool




Great weather for this Thanksgiving weekend - enjoy. By Tuesday afternoon we could be wet, by Wednesday evening we could be white, and after that the forecast is for much lower temperatures.

Lots of families in the village. Good visit with Wendy yesterday. Two years ago was a worrisome Thanksgiving for the family. Thankful that she has all three sons healthy and hauling wood this weekend.

Thankful for this young human who brings joy to our hearts.

Both new starts "under control"

The one closest to us has been renamed "McKinney Creek", human caused. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Human Caused new start - West of Madden Lake


New Wildfire - Rice Creek

Facebook says off Alden Road, BCWF says discovered today, spot size, "out of control"

Friday, October 11, 2024

CSIA and CASI Certification Courses at Baldy Dec. 13-15th

Interested in teaching this winter? Certification courses coming up at Baldy. Touch base with BMR, registration is likely online through CSIA or CASI.

Transfer Station

Thank-you to whoever cleaned up the mess under the catwalk at the transfer station.

There is more work to do. If you have a cabin full this weekend, it wouldn't take long for a crew to clean up the rest. Will need gloves, rake, snow shovel and a bucket or garbage can to carry the garbage up the stairs.

The container is fairly full already, and Tuesday is the normal day for switching containers. If you take a sturdy pole/shovel/or rake, some of the garbage can be pushed back to make more room.

Some of the people who use the transfer station seem to have difficulty reading signs. Household garbage only, there are lots of places that take metal at no charge.

Wrong place to sweep out the back of the truck.

If the temperature is low enough Tuesday, the forecast moisture could be snow. Would be great to get the area cleaned up this weekend.


Jasper Fire Came Close to Marmot


Reminder about FireSmart rebate program - RDKB


Company Coming ?


Thursday, October 10, 2024

"The Points Guy" 

Check out the info on Baldy.

"Abandoned Car"

Who does this? Fair distance up a FSR, past several deep water bars. It was reported to RCMP who responded that it is an abandoned Alberta registered car. OFTF ran the VIN, not showing as stolen. If anyone has a photo of the white car on a trailer that was parked on  Porcupine for a short time in May, please send it to me.

It is a long way to go to just ditch a car - front end stuff in the back of the car.

I reported a vehicle with front end missing to the RCMP this summer - it was travelling downhill on McKinney - lower elevation than this, don't have a photo, so not sure if it is the same car.

There is a small circle of rocks from an old fire pit nearby.

A friendly reminder from our friends at AMFD

Remember to bring batteries when you come for Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Extra Cabin Available for Christmas Holidays

I have lots of Christmas memories with the original family in 135 Porcupine. The current owners are travelling over the holidays - they may regret that decision if we get the snow in the forecast.


135 Porcupine Rd is available! $2500 per week! Dec 20-27 & Dec 29- Jan 5th ( separately or both weeks) Sleeps 13 comfortably, spare room upstairs (3 queen beds) Upstairs (3 queen beds and single bunk beds) 2 bathrooms Hide-a-bed & futon ( I didn’t count in 13) 

Bedroom downstairs (queen bed) Hot tub 

Large boot room 

Best cabin ever! More picture available on request!

Nicole Lawton 2504982005

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Special Thanks to Rod MacLeod

Rod stepped aside last night after 10 years on strata council. Thank-you for hanging in there, leading through adversity, to a more stable and well functioning council.

Rod continues his work with the FireSmart and Community Association groups.

For those who don't know the background, Rod's parents were part of the group that started Mt. Baldy. In the early years, Rod served on the volunteer ski patrol, and was a groomer operator.

After careers including the ski industry, municipal public works and resort planning, Rod returned to Baldy. Rod was responsible for the ski venues for the 2010 Olympics. He skied down Whistler for his last run when the games were over, and decided that his future skiing would be where he enjoyed it the most, at Baldy.

The MacLeod family cabin is now his home, with 2nd,3rd, and 4th generation MacLeods  skiing from there.

I've known Rod and his family my whole life. His Dad was my school principal, his sister was my swim teacher, and his younger brother was in my class. When we skied rope tows at the old Borderline hill, Rod was one of the "big kids" who would go up in front or behind me to hold the rope down to a height I could reach. 

If you have been around here for a long time, you will remember his mother Marge - the Matriarch of Mt. Baldy. Forever a Baldy booster, Marge would not tolerate anyone speaking negatively about anyone else in the community.

Through the recent years of conflict in the community, I've often thought - this would not have happened if Marge was still with us. 

25th Anniversary of Baldy
Barbara FW, Marge MacLeod

Morning after the AGM

Thank-you to those who have served on council, and to those who let their names stand for the coming year. It is clear that the outgoing council put in a tremendous amount of time and effort on our behalf this past year.

If you know me well, you know that I do not attend the AGMs. I don't need the stress, and I appreciate the friends who filled me in on the meeting.

Jim West and Rod MacLeod did not run for re-election, and the five other council members were re-elected, along with two new volunteers with strata experience. One a lawyer, one and engineer with expertise that will be particularly helpful with the sewer utility.

Monday, October 7, 2024



Did you miss the chimney guy?

There are a couple of people waiting in the village, Top Hat wants a couple more to do before making the trip. Contact Al asap if you want yours cleaned.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

With permission...........


This darling little girl is the 4th generation in the Hulton family cabin. I grew up down the street from her Great Great Grandparents. Her Great Grandparents built the cabin,  and Jack was one of the founders of Baldy.

Deb, (Grandma), and I were born the same year, and are life long friends.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Around the fire pit.......

A visit with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generations of the Hulton family, enjoying the fall clean-up weekend at the cabin. The cows were rubbing up and hiding behind the trucks for a bit.


Flex Passes

Cell found 5Km Baldy Road 

Emergency room closing overnight Saturday at South Okanagan General Hospital - Oliver/Osoyoos News

Emergency room closing overnight Saturday at South Okanagan General Hospital - Oliver/Osoyoos News: Emergency room closing overnight Saturday at South Okanagan General Hospital

Baldy Mountain Community Association

You received this document through Hometime this spring. I am no longer serving on the BMCA board. I do contribute grant info as I find it.

May 21, 2024


We are very excited to introduce our newly formed Baldy Mountain Community Association(BMCA). This Association is comprised of 7 board members representing property owners and BMR.

Our purpose is to connect and engage residents (both strata and non strata) through programs and services, fostering a sense of belonging to the Baldy Community.

Our Values:





Our Goals for 2024:

Develop a plan for sustainability of Board terms

Develop a solid foundation of Community goals by seeking community input. Prioritize items and determine appropriate timelines.

Apply for appropriate grants to meet community goals.

Grant Applications

The RDKB provided a grant to cover the start up costs for the community association. This included incorporation costs, directors and liability insurance and registration of our name.

We have already applied for and received a $3,000 grant from RDKB to create signage for some of the more popular hiking trails or areas of significant cultural interest with Osoyoos Indian Band. We are working with the OIB to determine what sites are significant and with BMR to identify hiking trails for summer use. Thank you to Sharen Gibbs, RDKB Director, for working with us on these applications.

We also work closely with the Baldy Fire Smart Board (comprised of the same 7 board members of BMCA). We are seeking grant money from the Federal and Provincial governments as well as the Regional district to train some of our full-time residents and BMR staff on fighting fires until appropriate professionals arrive. This grant also requests the ability to purchase some firefighting equipment. We have received the training for local residents and it occurred on the May long weekend. We are still waiting on the equipment part of the grant proposal.

We have been successful the past 3 years in obtaining a regional grant for our Fire Smart Board that has allowed us to have a weekend set aside for cabin/property owners to FireSmart their properties and have a social and educational event. We are planning this event this year for June 29. It was pushed back from the May long weekend due to the wildlife fire training that weekend.

For potential future projects we would like to enhance signage and trail development on our snowshoe and hiking trails throughout the ski hill, build a shed to house fire fighting equipment, and apply for an arts grant to allow us to put more masks on the snow shoe trails. Some of you may have seen some of the donated masks already adorning the trees.

Fund Raising

When we receive a grant all the money must be utilized specifically for the purpose outlined in the grant and we are accountable to the Federal, Provincial and Regional officials to ensure this occurs. Needless to say, there are costs to operating this non-profit organization (annual liability insurance and some sundry items).

To help us with all these costs as we move forward, we would like to ask each property owner to annually purchase a membership to the community association at a cost of $20. These funds will allow us to continue to function as a non-profit and cover standing annual costs. In return members will receive some special benefits which will be shared with all soon. Property owners who want to participate can send an email transfer to

In order to add to our regular fund raising we have also established an account with the “Returnit Express” which operates nearly all recycling depots in the province. In order to participate with the recycling program all you need to do is place all your empty recyclable beverage containers in a clear blue plastic recycling bag (NO pull string bags) and bring it to your nearest recycling depot.

These are located in most communities. You do not need to sort your containers. When you drop off your bags all you need to do is print a label using the phone number 250-498-2672 and drop them off. They do all the sorting and deposit it into our account. Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated. The following link provides additional information

Lastly, if you have any suggestions on improvements that will benefit our community, please let us know. If you are interested in joining our board also, please let us know. We want to hear from you!

Our Board members are Hilary Drummond, Rod MacLeod, Sandra Smith, James Graham, Wayne Dennill, Bernice Cook, Joanne Sparrow and Brandan Datoff (BMR).

How do we move forward on funding for FireSmart activities?

The community association (BMCA) was formed as it is an entity that can apply for grants. The Strata, The Ski Area and the FireSmart board are not eligible to apply for grants. 

A small fraction of community members have joined the BMCA. At $20 per property per year, it is a very low cost to support the organization. We did get grant money for start up costs, but there are annual fees to cover. The Community Association has applied for several grants, and has other applications in the works.

You can support your community, by becoming a member, and by taking your empties to Return It Express. Your beverage container refunds go directly in to the Community Association account. Baldy Mountain Resort is supporting the Association by donating their empties from this season. Volunteers will take the empties to town weekly.


You can bring your recyclables to any “Return in Express” location in BC.  “Return it Express” will accept all of your beverage containers.  You do not need to sort your beverage containers, just place all your empty recyclable beverage containers in a clear plastic recycling bag (NO pull string bags) and bring it to your nearest recycling depot.

When you drop off your bags all you need to do is print a label using the phone number

 250-498-2672,  place the label on the bag and leave it in their designated area.  They do all the sorting and deposit it into the Baldy Mountain Community Association account.

Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated.

More information can be found on the Return-it-Express website at

More History related to work outside the Strata Perimeter

Many years ago, MFW had a proposal for a fuel mitigation project that would be 1/3 ski area, 1/3 strata, and 1/3 government funding. This would be in the approximate area of the current fuel mod/fire break.

A legal opinion was obtained at the time, that strata may spend money outside of the strata if it was in the best interests of the strata.

The proposal was shot down in one of the most challenging strata meetings of all time. 

History of the Burn Pile

I started the first community burn pile more than 30 years ago. It was prior to the widening of the entrance end of the parking lot, and was on the lower level, between the road and the parking lot.

There were many village owners burning on their properties and in the ditch in front of their cabins. One owner from the coast was unaware of burning restrictions, and was "buzzed" by a BCWF helicopter. That could have been a great story in the "Chronicles of Mt. Hairy", had it ever been completed. I can still hear Joan's laugh as she told the story.

That first burn pile was easy to manage, as it was in full view of everyone going by. George cut a lot of his firewood from the burn pile, and it never really got too big.

After my time, the burn pile was moved to below the shop. That became an easy, out of site dump spot.

The "Idaho Group", the three B's, had plans to move the sewage ponds down the road, so they could develop real estate on the site.

They trucked hundreds of truck loads of fill from the current burn pile site to create a spot for the sewage ponds to be moved. That huge volume of soil was used to widen the parking lot, and most of it was dumped over the edge, eventually creating the overflow parking lot.

There were problems with how the debris was burned at the new pond site, and an excavator was brought in for considerable time to put the smoldering fire out. That is why you see piles of dirt with trees sticking out of it.

You will see in the AGM package, that council will not spend any funds outside the perimeter of the village. This includes no longer paying an equipment operator to push up the pile, or burn it.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Emergency room closure announced overnight Friday at South Okanagan General Hospital - Oliver/Osoyoos News

Emergency room closure announced overnight Friday at South Okanagan General Hospital - Oliver/Osoyoos News: Emergency services will be closed from 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 4 to 7 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5. at South Okanagan General Hospital.

Strata KAS 1840 AGM - Monday at 6:00pm

Please take the time to read the AGM package before Monday. There has already been misinformation/interpretations going around, best to read it yourself. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom or Property Flute, please look into it ahead of time. Registration starts at 5:00pm.

If you haven't used Zoom lately, check to see if you have the latest version. If your version is too old, it may hang up until you download the latest update.

If you choose to vote by proxy, please send your proxy to Hometime as directed, and  send a copy to the person you have chosen to represent you.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Wood Chips

Millar Tree Care was here yesterday cutting and chipping on a property off  Blue Jay. If you have a contractor coming up to chip for you, BMR will take the chips - contact Brandan. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

RDKB transfer station update

The vehicle and plate submitted by a community member belongs to a "dumpster diver".

The vehicle hauling the trash has been identified, and the matter is in the RDKB's hands. 

BMR Team Updates

Trevor has the lift operators lined up, and housed. Many returns from last year.

John W. will be back on a casual basis. He has had a busy summer working on construction of a "tank farm" for Bobbie Burns heli-skiing. The photos of the resort food for the crew were amazing.

Quinn will be managing the inside operations of ticket office, retail, snow school, and rentals. There is a job posting for Snow School Director. Hopefully this will mean that Brandan doesn't have to be everywhere at once.

Troy is moving on. Mel will move from snow school/rentals to take over food and beverage. Mel has been working with Mindy at "Ward's Country Kitchen" this summer, and taking courses on event management. Looking forward to more happening at the Baldy Bar.

At this time, it does not appear that there will be any RV living by the shop this winter. 

BMR Operations Update

Checked in with Trevor and Brandan today. They are very close to being ready for the season. NDT testing on Friday for the chairs that are on the ground, then the lift maintenance is pretty much complete.

All new rubber - tracks ready to go on the PB.

Finning will be back shortly, for the start up of the new engine on the Prinoth.

Grandpa is filling his water truck at the Jolly Creek Recreation Site

Fire can't be that far away - on BCWF map, green dot, not likely to spread.


Trash and Camps in the Bush

I encourage you to download the OKFT app, and check out

OKFT also has a Facebook page.

This volunteer group has removed more than 1.1 million pounds of metal and garbage from the back country since 2016. Leadership in this group has connections with the RCMP and Conservation.

When you see a garbage or camp scene, even without cell service, you can "pin" the location, upload photos and information, and the info will be sent to OKFT as soon as you are in cell service.

The squatters camp between 22 and 23 k McKinney is on the map, and OKFT is looking at a number of spots in the south Okanagan. I was contacted on the location of that camp, as the organizers tried to determine if that was one that had already been reported in the area.

If you find a small dump, and clean it up, it is helpful to pin it, then update that it has been cleaned up.

Transfer Station

Thanks to RDKB for attending to the mess yesterday.

I don't follow a couple of Baldy FB pages. I was shown a recent thread.


There are at least three locals who have established working relationships with elected and employed people in the RDKB, through our work on behalf of the community.

A detailed report of the transfer station was submitted right away, including photos, and a photo with plate of a vehicle connected to a known trouble maker. What was missing, was detail/photo/plate of the actual truck that was witnessed to be dumping at the site.

You can be most helpful if you document what you see, of course do not do something you don't feel safe doing.

Please forward those reports to me, and I can connect the information with the appropriate connected community member. or my personal e-mail address.

RCMP,  RDKB and others prefer information in "real time", and as much info as possible.

If you want to be helpful, please take a few friends down to the transfer station with pick-up tools, rakes, a snow shovel and a garbage can. A few people can clean up the strewn remnants in a short time.

Work parties at the transfer station over the years have shown the RDKB that we care. I've attended most if not all of them.

If someone wants to choose a date and time, I would happily post it and share tools.

Energy Efficiency Day