Friday, January 31, 2025

Jerry, we think you still have the record!

Susan Webster's last run was at age 87

Ethel Jones last run was at age 88.

Even at 89, we believe you still hold the record.

Tracks Set


Back Country

Castanet reporting that an avalanche warning has been issued for BC. It is expected that new snow will not adhere well to the snowpack that has hardened over the recent dry spell. 

March 1st - Alpine Club Fundraiser

Tickets are available now for the Alpine club Spaghetti dinner and silent auction, March 1st in the lodge.

Here is the link to buy tickets online:

About being genuine, and people oriented............

Baldy is a unique place. We've all heard the stories about Vail resorts ownership of Whistler/Blackcomb. Now a major investment group is raising issues with share value decline, how things are done, and the reputation they are getting. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Celebrating Jerry's 90th Birthday

Thank-you Jerry for being a generous host, and to Amy, Todd and Dee for making the gathering happen. Jerry's original plan was to ski with his friends, and gather in the bar later. Unfortunately Jerry had a mishap on the slopes a couple of weeks ago, and was not able to ski today.

Thank-you to the Baldy folks who adjusted their schedules to be here for the gathering.

Jerry can boast that he skied at age 89, and if all goes well, he may still be able to ski this season at age 90.

The ski patrol gifted Jerry the "Forney's" sign. Jerry cut the original run with a blind entrance. In later years, It was opened up and a sign was posted. That terrain now contains many dead trees, standing and down, so the sign had been removed. Down the road when that area is cleaned up, the family hopes there will be a sign "Forney's Glades".

Jerry was a volunteer CSPS patroller for many years, and would hike with his chainsaw in the summer. Before Powderkeg, Jerry and friends cut the "Hospital Run" , just wide enough for figure eights, again with a blind entrance. Most of that trail is now part of Powderkeg.

When the glading was done across the hill, Jerry went up in the summer and got his firewood from the downed trees, in effect cleaning up the new glades.

In the early nineties, Borderline Ski Club was operating the ski hill for the original ownership group. We raised the funds for a new haul rope for the Baldy Tee, but it was awhile before we had the funds to re-open the T-bar. Jerry led the work party, cutting down the trees that had grown up during the closed years. The original Kettle, (not what is called Kettle now) was heavily treed. He came back to me with a big grin – he said he left some spaced trees because the kids would like to ski around them.

Jerry salvaged lumber from a building stateside, and built one of the early cabins at Baldy. Age has not slowed Jerry down on cabin maintenance. He has been spotted recently on a ladder painting, and clearing the roof. He and Audrey are very hard workers, and it was quite impressive watching them build a rock wall on the property a few years ago.

Todd, Jerry, Amy, and Dee

We missed Audrey today. She was at home in Oroville preparing for the family birthday dinner tonight.

Marian B. photo.


A great afternoon with "old" friends. A couple of runs with Steve and Joan. They were guests at a friend's cabin for two years, then built their family cabin 40 years ago. Son James was a Baldy racer, and ski instructor. He is visiting from Taiwan with his wife. I think I'll visit with him on the chair, rather than try to keep up with him.

Always fun to catch up with Russ and Daphne.

Groomers on the Lump continue to be good. New snow is coming soon.

Sales and changes on Whiskey Jack

Last week I learned of two cabin sales on Whiskey Jack. We've watched the children from those cabins in the alpine programs, and grow up and move on to University studies and careers. As a Baldy lifer, I am not fond of change. I do understand and respect the decisions made by these families.

Yesterday I handed my keys to the adjacent cabin to a realtor. I hope my friends will continue to come up this season and make good use of their season passes. I've known the family for decades. I was working for the same organization when Warren was recruited for the accounting/management team.  I was in the coffee room, before kids, when they were talking about starting a family. My colleagues were giving advice on daycare options.

Thank you Warren and Annika for your community service. For your volunteer time as parents in the Alpine Club, and for Warren's many hours obtaining his coaching certification and teaching/mentoring so many young Baldy kids.

Warren also served on the Strata Council for a time. We have all benefitted from his financial and business expertise over the years.

In the coming days, I will have new neighbours, a young family planning to live here full time.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

From a distance...

Coming back from town this afternoon - there appears to be hill climb sled tracks on the Sage Meadow. 


Today's photo courtesy of Ron Hiller.

Ron has a new camera, with 83x zoom. This was taken from Sidley Mtn Road, past Miller Springs. He said he could have zoomed closer, but wanted to get the whole mountain in the shot.

Baldy Mountain Community Association


Update from the Community Association.
With regards to the empty beverage container donation, I assume that the "6 bags", is a limit for one time drop off. I think the Oliver Return It Express Depot was a little overwhelmed when the BMR Christmas Holidays empties were delivered all at once.

You can donate at any return it express location, including your home community. Just use the phone number provided, and the funds will be deposited in the Community Association account.

Be a Conor Garland

Conor Garland wears a high collar/neck protector, because it offers him more protection. It does not seem to affect his hockey play. Is it an image thing for other players, like doing warm up without a helmet?

Steve believes his helmet saved his life last season. He is not skiing this season as he works on his flexibility, but he is making some awesome benches. You can find his post on FB Baldy Mountain Resort Community Board.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Sugar Tuesday

Great Sugarday afternoon on the groomers in the sunshine. I was going to call "Jones" as my favourite run, until I tried Fairweather. Skiers had been using skier's right, and I had two runs on fresh corduroy on skier's left.

Wizard wasn't groomed last night, but it was OK skiing this afternoon.

Thanks Luba and Jake for being you. Enjoy your days off.

Monday, January 27, 2025

More Monday


Hello Baldy Babes,

A beautiful Monday for our fourth snowshoe of the season. Today was my day to lead the women up the Baldy Trail to reach the Webster Trail to Jager Meister to Meadow Trail. A group and mountain scenery photo at the Stripper Pole gave everyone time for a water break.

Dates to mark your calendars: 

February 14 for a couples/singles snowshoe beginning at 4 pm heading to Gruhl's Pool for beverages & extras, snowshoe back to the Lodge for dinner.

February 23 for our Baldy Babes dinner beginning at 5:30 for cocktails and a three course dinner. Prices TBD

Next Monday we will ride the Eagle Chairlift to the top of the ski area and snowshoe to celebrate Marion Boyd's birthday, weather permitting.

Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces!

Take Care, Marian


Another sunny day - the thermometer is deceiving. Snow is firm, and air is cool. It appears in places that the groomer had some trouble scratching the surface. There is no "Eye Cee Eee". You don't know what that is unless you have skied in Ontario or the Eastern Townships of Quebec.

I had some nice runs with Kendal this afternoon, and there were many people choosing "Rock Star."

Forecasts look hopeful for new snow towards the weekend.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Wine Maker's Cup February 22, 2025


Only 20 racer tickets left for the Ski & Snowboard race at the 2025 Winemakers Cup!
Less than a month to go and we are nearly sold out for the daytime race at Baldy Mountain on Feb. 22, 2025. Come and rub shoulders with your peers in the BC Wine Industry while having a great time on the slopes! It does not matter how good you are: we have prizes for best time, slowest time, best wipeout, best snow bunny, best U18 Boys and Girls and more!
So get your tickets now and join the fun!
Look at what you get for only $79.00:
• One full-day lift ticket to Baldy Mountain,
• One Registration & participation in the Ski & Snowboard race,
• One BBQ Lunch with beer,
• One Deluxe souvenir T-shirt.
• The status and fame that comes with being a race participant.
All of this above is a regular value of $172 value, but you get it for only $79!
Even better:
• If you are a U18 Youth your cost is only $39.00
• If you have a Baldy Season Pass your cost is only $20
• If you are a Snow bunnies or Sun Worshippers and don’t ski or snowboard? Then come and cheer on your peers and enjoy the Snowbunny/Sun Worshipper pass with the BBQ Lunch + Beer and souvenir shirt for only $20.00*
For event tickets and information:
Please click here:
Get your race tickets today, they won’t last long.
If you have any questions, then please contact Christa Skimmings by e-mail at or by phone at (403) 554-0077
We hope to see you at the 2025 Scott Labs Winemakers Cup!

Baldy Shuttle

 Baldy Mountain Resort

Catch a ride on the Eagle Express! 🚐
Want to go skiing but can't make it up to the hill? Fret not, for a shuttle service makes its return.
From Thursdays-Mondays, hop on our bus at the Oliver visitors centre, 6431 Station st.
Pickup time is 8:15am
Drop off is 4:45pm. Bus leaves Baldy at 4pm
$30+tax round trip
Head to our e-store: to secure your spot.
Alternatively you can pay cash at the bus, but doing so will not guarantee a spot if all spots have been booked prior.
PLEASE NOTE: We are working on providing a pickup location in Osoyoos as well. Once this comes into effect, the Pickup and drop off times will change to ensure a bus arrival time of 9am at Baldy.

Phoenix Mountain Creativity

Andrew Z used to do live morning Baldy reports  on FB, and had quite the following.

Phoenix is now doing live Facebook featuring some of their young staff on the morning report. I had a chuckle the other day. When we had a cm or two of new snow, their young fellow reported 10 millimetres of new snow at Phoenix. ;) 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Hello from Tony's Dad

Paul loved his time at the Giltrap cabin whenever the family visited from Australia, and met many people on the hill.

I was unaware that he had re-located to Oliver, and saw him at the grocery store yesterday. I got a quick update on all of the family. Ryan worked here as a lift operator - he has completed his Bachelor's Degree in Architecture, and is starting on his Master's soon.

Paul asked me to say hello for him to the people he met up here.

Fun times with this family today............

March 19, 2007

I caught up with the older three in this photo today. I should know better than to try to keep up with Silken - my top speed today was 70.7 kph. It is obvious that she was a racer, and it is fun to watch her use all her skills and speed.

January 14, 2008
Silken's Birthday tomorrow

Maddie and Silken, February 14, 2006