Friday, February 28, 2025

Warm Weather - YRB

Warm up was forecast, the water running down the road was reported to YRB at noon. A community member talked to a YRB fellow in a pickup surveying the situation at about 2:00pm.

The excuse is that YRB's grader has been broken down for two weeks. The contractor did not make alternate arrangements to wing back the snow prior to the warm weather. YRB said they are going to try to do something about it tonight.

The AIM section was winged back, and that section of the road is fine.

Resort and Community members have communicated with YRB multiple times this season.

Feel free to express your experiences to YRB, and the Ministry Contact,

Any letters written are suggested to be cc to your local elected representative.



Our Regional District Rep  Sharen L. Gibbs <

Friday Night in the Bar


SAR Warns - Stay out of the backcountry....

Thursday, February 27, 2025


A full parking lot, a bus of high school students, and a bus of Big White staff. It didn't take long for the fresh stuff on Eagle to get tracked up. Some good skiing on the groomers - the skier traffic and the sun chopped things up a bit. Looks like tomorrow will be another sunny day, and the groomer operators will do their magic tonight.

A photo for Nanno's grandkids.

Did you ride the Baldy Bus? Your driver and/or you ski instructor may have been Nanno.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

It's your choice - what you put in your body..........

When it affects other people, give your head a shake. On one of my runs this afternoon, there was a fellow putting his skis on - from at least 10 feet away, he reeked of skunk. I made sure I was on the chair before he was ready, I don't ride with skunks.

I kind of forgot about him when I got to the top. After talking to some people at the top, I started out, and had a close call with this guy cutting in front of me at a fair rate of speed. The next run, I saw him flying down Tennings, but not in a manner I would consider in control.

He looked familiar, but I wasn't going to get close to him to ask.

Sugar Wednesday

I wouldn't call it a spring day, just a warmer winter day. The temperature was around plus2C this afternoon, but the snow didn't get spring like. Nice turns on the groomers.

There is an empty canvas on the Eagle, ready for the Thursday folks. I am not aware of any temperature inversion, so it should be great.

Colleen and team were digging out various things today, including this snow fence. 

Area E, Town Hall


If you live in Area E/West Boundary, YOUR Town Hall Meeting is coming up soon.
Come along to the Rock Creek Pavilion at 6pm on Thursday, March 6.
Explore the proposed 2025 Budget and 2025–2029 Five-Year Financial Plan.
Meet your Director & RDKB staff, find out how the RDKB operates, what your tax dollars fund and learn more about your programs and services.
In the meantime, head to our website to ask a question or find out more:

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Saturday March 1st - Have you got your ticket?

A fun evening fundraiser for the Alpine Club. Spaghetti Dinner, Silent Auction, and dancing to DJ Scotty Dawg.

PLEASE - NO GLASS! Did you enjoy the wine?

I hope you enjoyed your wine - I'll take your 10 cents when I take the bottle to the depot. I fished it out of the recycle bin - no glass in there - one hunk of glass could contaminate a whole bin of recyclables, or potentially cause injury during the sorting process.

CARDBOARD BOXES - flatten them, and put them in the recycle bin, not the household garbage bin.

LARGE WHITE STYROFOAM CHUNKS -  too far down for me to fish out, but they go to the bottle depot in Oliver, or depot near your home.


Well that's a switch....

McKinney Road, YRB section has more sand on it than I have seen all winter. BBC has done a good job of widening with the big blade. No sign of a grader yet, but the road is better than it was. AIM today has yet to send a truck up their section as of 1:00pm.

Sunday Night Ladies Dinner

The traditional once a winter Ladies Snowshoe Sunday night dinner. Those with cabins up here provide accommodation, and it is always a good time. If you want to participate next year, get the conversation going in the Monday group to find possible overnight hosts.

Primrose is a talented baker/cake maker. Granny Webster would be impressed!

Hello Baldy Babes,

We enjoyed a wonderful Sunday evening dinner celebration with the Baldy Babes. The chefs created a delicious meal for the occasion. Entertainment by Hilary & Joan and Primrose singing all our favorite songs and some new ones, too.

Primrose baked a special snowshoe decadent cake for dessert, a work of art!

Mel, thank you for everything you do for us!

Take Care, Marian

Tuesday Morning

I just shoveled another 13 cms of fresh snow off the deck. It is still snowing. The birds in the neighbouring trees were making a lot of noise. I presume they were discussing the fact that I was clearing snow, before filling the bird feeder.

Yesterday, I stopped by the snow measuring station. The base yesterday was back up to 160cms. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday Snowshoe


Hello Baldy Babes,

Hilary led our group today out the McKinney side on the Sagebrush Meadow Trail. The fresh snow under foot felt like silk. Conversations, laughter and enjoying the beautiful scenery kept us moving across the Meadow and back to the Lodge for a delicious lunch, Beef Dip devoured, oops, no photo!

The calendar gives us five Mondays until we have to say, "Goodbye" until next January 2026.

Monday, March 17, St. Patrick's Day will be funny hats and wear green.

Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces next week.

Take Care, Marian

Jolly Jack - for the friends who contacted me last night.........

You probably could have managed it today, but may not have liked the diagonal side slip to get down from the transition. It was not groomed from Crit Lake to JJ Shortcut, but was OK with 2 inched of fresh.

Hypothermic out of bounds rescued near Big White

Warning at much lower elevations

We got snow last night, lower elevations did not. YRB and others are warning of icy roads in the valley. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Backcountry? Check

Today's map show avalanche risk is considerable in the backcountry in our region. Link in the side bar. 

Wendy on the hill

 Sorry I didn't catch up to Wendy on the hill today - Thanks Dave for the photo. 

Vic, Wendy, and Dave Hospes.

I love watching Wendy ski - she skis as smooth and confidently as she did decades ago.

Ski Canada - The Article is Out

I've seen a pdf of the article, but can't find it on line yet. The highlight for me was the Mayor of Camp McKinney being featured, photographed, and valued for what he brings to Baldy.

Congrats Jake. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Baldy Newsletter Updates - repost

 Spring Passes make their return!

Get unlimited skiing from March 1st until the last day of operation for 1 ridiculously low price! Available to purchase online only starting Monday, Feb 17th. Grab one while you can because they’re only available until March 21st


Adult(19-64): $271

Junior(7-12): $212

Teen(13-18): $222

Student(19+): $222

Senior(65-74): $191

Master(75+): $99

*Prices do not include GST


Introducing the Baldy Mountain Community Association


Members of the Baldy Community have to come together to help improve this incredible place we call home. This is a non-profit association with the aim to help improve the Baldy village community with trail building and fire resilience through grants and community donations. Read below for more info.

Retail Sale! Discounted jackets, base layers and more!


Select retail is on sale in guest services! Discounts ranging from 40%-60% on last seasons O'Neil jackets, pants, base layers and a few select items.

Events! Events! Events!

February 20th-23rd

Firehall Brewing Tap Takeover

Baldy Bar

Try 5 styles of beer all brewed by Oliver’s own Firehall Brewing


February 21st

Nothing In The Pantry

Baldy Mountain Resort


The all women’s ski and snowboard group is doing a ride day at Baldy! There’s still room to register. Head to this link here


February 22nd

Winemakers Cup

Baldy Mountain Resort


The 17th annual Winemakers Cup makes it’s return for the wine industry to get together for some friendly competition. Watch as they race down Tennings Trail on the Sugarlump chair. There will be pedestrian viewer access to the bottom of the run next to the chairlift.


February 22nd

Firehall Brewing Presents: Karaoke Night

Baldy Bar


Firehall Brewing is hosting their own karaoke night in the Baldy Bar! Come by and sing your heart out.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Winemaker's Cup Saturday

Always fun to watch the wine industry folks racing. Annual event is sold out, and the race is on Saturday.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Coming up this weekend...........

Five fresh brews from Firehall Brewery, Open Mike Friday Night, Karaoke Saturday night.

Quite the weekend on the mountain and on the blog..........

I was surprised when I looked up the blog stats for this week - February 12th to 14th, 700 hits per day. On the 15th 800 hits.

BMR had more skier visits than I had hits - good for the mountain.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Reminder from BMR on staying in bounds.............

 Baldy Mountain Resort

🚨Important Safety Reminder🚨
While another busy weekend comes to a close, we would like to remind you about the importance of reading trail signs and not skiing out of bounds.
Friday, a group of teens traveled out of bounds on the top corner of our Jolly Jack run. This caused them to head a considerable distance away from the resort and resulted in a call to Search and Rescue. The teens remained in a safe location, were able to find cell service to be able to call our ski patrol and took direction incredibly well to ensure a safe recovery.
When out skiing, especially close to our area boundaries, please be aware of all signage as they are placed there for your safety. Skiing out of bounds can result in much worse scenarios than this one. There are a plethora of unknown dangers when in territory away from the resort.
Big thank you to our ski patrol staying in contact with the group, helping them in prepping for recovery, and thank you to the Oliver/Osoyoos Search and Rescue for arriving swiftly and rescuing the group as quick as they did. The teens were completely unharmed and remained warm until extraction later that evening.
Please to continue to enjoy Baldy, but please ensure you are skiing within bounds and reading all important safety signage place across the runs and the resort.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Sunday February 23rd - Baldy Babes Dinner

Baldy Babes and Ladies!  Come and join us at 6 pm on Sunday February 23, 2025 for our annual BB dinner! 

Dress up or down, just show up with a good attitude!

Our dinner will include:

One glass of red or white wine, you can purchase more wine as required

Bruschetta starter

Roasted Chicken, corn puree, and veggies

The wine and dinner will cost $40.00

Chocolate layer cake with a moist, rich crumb in between layers of whipped ganache, decorated with Swiss meringue butter cream- made by our own Primrose!

Dessert $8.00 per person.

No tip is included in this price! Please bring tip money!

You will have to pay for the meal, wine and the dessert separately   Please bring cash for the dessert!

Entertainment by Hilary and Joan, come and  join in with a fun sing along!

Please let Mel know if you are attending at





Bonaparte was showing in a hole in the clouds - already being covered by the time I got out my camera.


Could hear them from the Sugar Chair..............