Monday, January 31, 2022

Baldy Babes and early Birthday Celebration for Marion Boyd

The Boyds were the first to start construction of a cabin on Baldy. Today the Baldy Babes honoured Marion with a cake for her upcoming 80th birthday.

It is a bit of a tradition to celebrate Marion's birthday at Baldy - photo below from Marion's 50th Birthday on Ladies Day.


Another successful outing for the Baldy Babes this morning!  Lunch was excellent as usual.  We WILL have a Baldy Babes on the family day Monday, February 21.  And we are now planning for a Baldy Babes dinner hopefully in February as well. Stay tuned for more news about that!

It was Marion Boyd’s 80th birthday celebration today and so we had cake and a lovely card made by one of the Babes.  Next week the lunch is chicken pasta, along with a starter and a dessert, and the ever present glass of wine!    If you would like to join please text Mindy at 16043519110. 


Hilary and Cheryl

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