Sunday, February 20, 2022


Owners, please advise your guests and tenants on an appropriate way to get back to the cabin. Today I had someone breach the snow fencing that is there to keep people from striking hidden utilities and a steep drop off to the road at one side of my place.

Up over the bank and down through my neighbour's yard - then they saw my fence.

Well at least they didn't knock the fence down, they went through the tree well beside it.

I pay taxes on that line.......they were to the right of the sewer clean-out - I haven't been to the bank to see if they hit the water shut-offs.

Today, for the second time, someone has come around my fence line and container and over the bank into my driveway. They are very lucky as a short time before, I was backing up my driveway. They did encounter the sand I had put out, and later came down the same way carrying skis. I did not recognize the person on my surveillance camera.

I will be looking for that ski suit on the hill tomorrow.
I doubt if the tape will do anything, but they had at least one pole sink a long way down when they passed my log pile, there is more sand in the driveway, and the truck is parked at an angle.

For those who may not be aware, the "lane" behind my place is not strata common property, it is private property. The adjacent property owners agreed to create a summer access to the back of our properties. We don't mind when our neighbours ski out that way, but please respect that it is private property. The many boot holes in recent days make it more challenging for us to get home along the path.

Trust me, you don't want me to put up snow fencing on my property line.

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