Friday, May 6, 2022

Firesmart Landscaping

The Firesmart website has some information, and Susanne from the Firesmart Board is preparing a handout on Firesmart plants for our  location.

At my place, I have pulled alder, and anything that isn't alder, I have left it to see what it becomes.

Indian Paintbrush is native to this area, but don't try to transplant it.
It is an annual, and re-seeds itself

You can buy the seeds, but they need a host plant to establish themselves, so if you are fall seeding, put the seed with an existing plant (any type) so it can get established with the help of the other plant's roots. 

This is a little bush that was growing among the alder on the bank below my home. I left it to see what it would become. I have been told it may be the native soapberry.

I have some small clumps of bunch grass in the yard - I have transplanted some of those to the bank to help with stabilization.

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