Thanks to whoever picked up after their dog yesterday with a dark green bag - the bag is in the middle of the road by the water building.
The snow has almost gone from the garbage transfer station. I you have a garbage pick-up tool, please bring it. Many hands will clean up the transfer station area quickly. I've been bugging the same people to help for years, and some new faces would be welcome.
When garbage is left in the winter with the lids not tightly closed, wind and animals get it, then the snow blower spreads it around.
When you take a walk in the village, please take a bag with you - the couple who usually clean the ditches aren't around.
If you head to the Hut or the Frisbee Golf Course, please take a garbage bag with you.
FYI - two volunteers walked 5 km on McKinney Road (lower down) recently and filled 2 garbage bags with beer cans.
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