Thursday, October 6, 2022

Thanksgiving and FireSmart

The work done in the village is amazing, with at least 89 properties having done some FireSmart work. There is a newsletter ready to go that I was hoping would be out ahead of the Thanksgiving weekend. It has been submitted to Strata Council for approval.

I will post excerpts here over the coming days if it doesn't get out in time.

An important message is that Thanksgiving is a good opportunity to talk to your neighbour, and mark and locate corner pins. Should the mechanized tree removal go ahead in the spring, one of the contractor's requirements is that corner pins be marked.

There is a heavy fuel load on deep lots between Porcupine and Cougar. We walked this area with the contractor and two of the property owners, and will be consulting with adjacent owners for a path to remove fuel.

Nails in trees stop the mill, and can cause serious injury. Please take the time to walk your property, and check for trees that might have had a nail in at one time for Christmas lights or bird feeders. You might need the snow to stand on to remove them, but checking and planning ahead will speed things up in the spring.

If you have a lot without buildings, please stake your proposed building site for the contractor.

The fall weather has been amazing,  17C at 10:15am. Our fire danger rating is back up to a "4". Please be very careful with power tools, have water handy, and do not light a fire in the village.

There is room at the burn pile, but when I went down the other day it was back in only.

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