Monday, October 10, 2022

Thanksgiving - Baldy Family

Great to reunite "Team Atomic" for the first time since the pandemic.

This photo, April 1, 2006. L-R  Rylan, now an engineer. Sayre now a lawyer, and the other one, now a senior citizen.

Their family cabins sold some time ago. Fun to be a part of the family Thanksgiving last night - 10 adults and three dogs.

All were skiers. Eight out of 10 have worked at Baldy, 4 out of ten have taught skiing at Baldy, three generations of one family have taught at Baldy - Leslie Level II, Todd Level II, and Sayre Level I.

We watched the moon rise over Baldy - from Oliver . It came up so fast I didn't have time to get my camera gear set up.

We had a moment of concern when we realized that there were only two dogs outside with us in the dark. The wise 12 year old host dog had decided he had enough excitement, and had gone to bed!

Lots of fun, and happy memories.

Delighted this morning when the kids across the street delivered Thanksgiving dinner for me to enjoy tonight.

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