Monday, October 31, 2022

The Eby Collection

Before digital cameras, we all spent a lot of time at Paul and Barb's photo business in Oliver. Paul has captured some memorable images of Okanagan scenery and many weddings. Barb is sorting photos - here is a teaser of what is to come.

I have thousands of Baldy images, and some of them are from Hulton, Lang and Fairweather collections. On my to do list, is to sort label, etc etc. Ernie Rotheisler has also promised to lend me his collection for scanning.

For those of you who are newer to the hill, there are two publications of Baldy History. One was prepared by Marge MacLeod for Baldy's 25th Anniversary. There are many interesting articles in it from founders of the hill. Many cabins have a copy. I have scanned the booklet and prepped it for printing as a magazine. When I have time, I will post info and see what the interest is in doing a print run.

The Baldy 50th Anniversary Book was published by BMR, with Deb Klamut and I providing most of the photos. You can order it online through Blurb, ($$$), but when I have time, I will be talking to Brandan about inventory and pricing.

Too many other things on the go right no.

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