Sunday, October 30, 2022

We are a community.........

We all want what is best for our community, and our special place here at Baldy. I challenge every person in the community to stop the he said/she said, stop making judgements on rumours, and have an open an honest communication on our differing points of view.

We can disagree on issues and still be respectful and kind to others. 

We have an AGM coming up next weekend. We have a council of hardworking volunteers who want the best for Baldy. There has not been consensus within council on a number of issues for some time. Some believe it is time for a change.

There are members of the community who expressed concern with the way the elections were run last year, and are not satisfied that their concerns have been addressed.

Some owners have become more interested in the strata goings on after what they witnessed on the Town Hall Zoom.

Every member of the existing council has been an owner or member of a family cabin at Baldy for 34 or more years.

We have a lot of new owners in the village, and some have expressed interest in running for council.

One owner is an experienced Property Manager, and has started a private Facebook page for a polite and respectful exchange of  information between strata owners. If you would like to join the group, the communication forum is now searchable. You will need a Facebook account, and there will be some verification questions.


Rod said...

well said Sam, thanks, Rod MacLeod

Anonymous said...

I encourage any community member to join and learn more about the challenges we are facing.