Thursday, November 10, 2022

AGM is done, Council Has Met

"New Council 2022/2023

Congratulations to Brett Mykyte who is taking on the role of President, Michael for supporting Brett and becoming Vice President, Sieglinde for Treasurer, Rod will continue as Note Taker and Director of Public Works, Britt for Privacy Officer and Communications, Karen and Britt will work on Bylaws and Policy and John will support the Treasurer. Congratulations to all!! Let's support this council in working together 🍻! Let us know how you can help support your council."

There is provision in the Strata Property Act for other strata members to help in committees. If you have a particular skill or expertise and are willing to be called upon, please contact the new council, and identify yourself and what you have to offer.
There was a time when I knew every owner in the village, and what their background was. Not anymore.
Brett was the unanimous choice of council to take on the task of bringing the community back together.

President – Brett Mykyte

VP – Michael Fenwick-Wilson

Secretary – Rod MacLeod

Privacy Officer – Britt Gardner

Director of Public Works – Rod MacLeod

Treasurer- Sieglinde Sutherland and John Giltrap

Policy and Bylaws Renewal – Karen Christie and Britt Gardner


Council thanked Michael FW for all of his hard and good work as President over many years


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