Monday, January 2, 2023

Baldy Babes Start-up


Hello Baldy Babes,

Monday, January 9, 2023 will be our first snowshoe this Winter.

Mindy Ward has created a Facebook group "Baldy Babes" for communication. 

We will continue to send weekly emails to everyone as well for those who are not Facebook users.


Please confirm by Wednesday morning, January 4, if you are coming for lunch on January 9th and if you prefer chicken, beef, veggie or fish pot pies from Brittania pies. 


$35 includes coffee/tea & freshly baked goodies at 9 am in the Baldy Bar and lunch which includes a glass of wine, coffee/tea & dessert.

$30 if you just come for lunch only. 

Prices include all taxes and tip.

Confirmation by email if you are not on Facebook to Mindy Ward.


Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces!

Take Care, Marian

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