Sunday, January 1, 2023

The Big Bang

Something to talk about at next year's AGM. Thankfully we don't have the New Years mayhem from decades back, and the guy who discharged firearms in the village is long gone.

Fireworks at the lower village at 8:00 were great. The traditional fireworks above Whiskey Jack in the 9:00 to 10:00 ish range were great.

After many of us were in bed, including a lot of children, the biggest show took place mid-village around midnight. I was a little more sensitive to those.  

The demographics have changed in the village - lots more families with young children, and more of us who don't care about staying up to midnight anymore.

Over recent weeks we have had several random one or two fireworks discharged at various areas in the village. Staff have discharged a few in the parking area, and notified the community ahead of time.

For the sake of the dogs, the children and others, do we want to consider a time guideline, and an advance notice of fireworks events? Look at safe locations away from power lines?

Hey, I know this is way down the priority list of community issues, I just wanted to put my thoughts down now as I woke up tired and grumpy.

I also believe that any winter party bon fires should be on private lots, not village roads.

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