Friday, July 21, 2023

Opening on July 25th for Assessments

Dan Stevens is coming up on the 25th, and has one opening on that day for an assessment. The assessment by a Wildfire Mitigation Specialist is free - provided by RDKB grant funding.

It is a very thorough assessment including all aspects of the exterior of your cabin. Dan's contact info on the side bar.

You do not have to be here for the assessment - worthwhile to get it done, at no cost.

"I have an updated total of fire assessments completed at Mt. Baldy

Completed Total: 20

Booked for an Assessment: 3

I have an opening on Tuesday July 25 at 130pm if you know anyone who is interested in having an assessment completed.

I would appreciate it a lot if you could continue spreading the word about these free assessments!

Thank you!"

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