Friday, July 28, 2023

RDKB - going all out with education and awareness.....

The Rock Creek Farmers Market, the Rock Creek Petro Can, a Big White Music Event, and the upcoming "Boogie Bash" at the Fairgrounds are among the public engagements done by the RDKB mitigation specialists. Education and awareness for FireSmart, and a chance to talk to a specialist, and sign up for an assessment.

The assessments are voluntary, there is no cost to you,(RDKB grant funding). What you get is a comprehensive assessment of your cabin and property, with recommendations for improving resilience against wildfire. 

The assessor can identify many things - small gaps that can be covered with ember resistant mesh, considerations relating to the slope of your property - a comprehensive report that can guide you as you work through the FireSmart process. It is a process, and every step we take helps.

You do not have to be onsite when the assessment is done, and you will get a report within 5 to 10 business days. My report was 47 pages.

If you are one of the property owners adjacent to the proposed corridor between Cougar and Porcupine, and have e-mailed your consent, please re-send to . The nethop address you were provided is affected by the major server issues with China Creek Internet, ( Vance and MC excluded)

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