Monday, August 14, 2023

Hot and Dry

It's hot, it's dry, and the Fire Danger rating is high. The 2021 conditions are not a one off. We all need to keep working at making our homes and properties more wildfire resilient.

FireSmart is an ongoing process. If you haven't taken advantage of the Free Assessment by a Wildfire Mitigation Specialist, there is  still time to book one. Some have expressed to me that they are overwhelmed by the report they received. I look at mine (47 pages) as a thorough assessment, and a guide for me on priorities for my ongoing FireSmart Work.

Head in the sand until snowfall isn't going to cut it if we want to do our part to preserve this amazing place. An ember landing on a property that hasn't been cleaned up could be our downfall.

I had plans for this week that involved power tools outside, and have postponed that until the conditions improve, but I am still puttering and irrigating.

One measure of the level of concern, is the permanent resident RV's that aren't moving. We like summer outings and camping, but are not leaving while the danger rating is high.

There are many owners who have done a lot of clean-up on their properties - some have been doing an annual clean-up for some time.

Consider coming up this coming weekend when the temperature should drop - bring a rake, a garden hose, a sprinkler - start from the house and work out, removing those pine needles. BBQ is open at the lodge Saturday and Sunday for your lunch.

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