Sunday, September 17, 2023

Legends of Ski Teaching at Baldy

Rick was a racer and a coach, but the ski instructors of Baldy past were out in full force on Saturday.

Dave Doumont taught at Baldy in the opening season, 1968-69 - he is a 50 year member of the CSIA. Here he discusses a new kind of pole with instructor Mary Anne Day.

Wally and Mary Anne Day came to Baldy and formed the ski school in 1969, after teaching at Apex and Mt. Baker. They were PNSIA certified instructors, and Wally encouraged us to get our CSIA certifications, as well as the training he provided.

Michael poses with Shelley and Shannon Day - both taught skiing at Baldy, and followed their Mom into nursing careers. In the middle beside Michael is his sister Sylvia, who was Level 11 certified, and along with Sieglinde, looked after the mid-week lessons.

Mother and son Level 11's Leslie and Todd Potter were also in attendance, as well as Pam Crowson Franks and Mark Davison. 

So many learned to ski and enjoy Baldy with the guidance of these instructors.

My skiing style? 
  • A very strong influence from Wally (smooth)
  • the CSIA training 
  • the joy of moguls avalement from Mary Anne - when the moguls on Pondo were created only by skis, and were so much fun
  • and then the another guy at our table, Ron Ozanne who got me skiing much faster.

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