Saturday, October 7, 2023


Traditional Thanksgiving for me at Baldy is about the people. I never get much work done, but I manage to connect with a lot of people. Great to see so many long time and newer families up here this weekend.

No drama, just friendship and neighbours helping neighbours.

Great turkey dinner tonight with old and new friends - age range - in utero to 80. Thank you to our hosts for bringing us together and an excellent meal. Bonus of 3 desserts thanks to other guests.

There have been losses and challenging times for many in our community this year. I am thankful for those whose health has improved, and those who are still with us.

For those with an empty chair at their family dinner, my wish for you is that being up here and collecting hugs helps just a little bit as you grieve.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, the window of good weather for outdoor chores is closing soon. 

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