Sunday, December 31, 2023
Ullr. The Norse God of Snow
It looks like Ullr heard us yesterday - we were discussing sacrificing a pair of skis to Ullr, but it is unlikely anyone in the village has a pair of wooden skis to donate to the cause. Burning modern skis could be toxic.
Still snowing this morning - hopefully it continues.
Saturday, December 30, 2023
BC Assessments
Mine went up $21,600.00
If you don't want to wait until the letter in the mail, you can enter your address and get the numbers.
Friday, December 29, 2023
I'm going with the combination of Global, with upcoming return to normal temperatures, and snowforecast for snow starting tomorrow evening and continuing Sunday.
B.C. dealing with what could become the strongest El Nino impact on record - Kelowna News
New Years Eve
BMR has some things planned. If you are inviting a friend up from the valley, please provide them with a place to stay, and if necessary, take their keys.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Do you know where your kids were 5:15 to 5:30pm?
I have good back-up lights, good mirrors, and a back-up camera. I have surveillance footage of 3 young people horsing around in my yard and driveway. Sliding down my snow steps, climbing up on a stump, and sliding in the driveway.
Imagine my surprise when I pulled up and put the truck in reverse to back up the driveway. Three youth scrambled down the edge of the driveway and took off.
I'm not against kids having fun, but my driveway is not an adventure playground. I already have a fence across the back of the property to keep skiers/boarders from cutting through and squeezing by my truck, and going over the bank on the other side.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Baldy Family - Rest in Peace, Mike Bland
Marnie, Jane and Mike in September |
Mike Bland celebrated his 88th Birthday yesterday with Crowsons and Belliveaus, but last night he had a heart attack. He passed in the Penticton Hospital this morning.
Our thoughts are with his wife Jane, daughters Marnie and
Charmian, and granddaughters Sola (Mitch) and Mia. Mike Crowson and Mike
Bland were life long friends.
Blands have been part of the Baldy Community for many decades
– one of the lower mainland families who built here and made the long drives
for their families to ski. Later they moved to Kaleden.
If I have the order right, it was a chain of friends having
friends stay at their cabin, then building their own. Days invited Ozannes, who
invited Crowsons, who invited Blands, then the Smiths built next to Blands.
In their younger years, Jane and Mike were very active in
the community – Jane presided over pot lucks and Christmas Eve hot chocolate,
and I recall Mike working on repairing the deck at the lodge, and he also
served on the Community Association board.
Mike still skied a bit after a knee replacement. Mia’s paternal
great-grandfather was Willi Tenning. At the grand opening of the Sugar Lump Chair.
Mike wanted an easier run with his titanium knee, so I took the opening run of
Tennings with Mia, and Mike opened Fairweather with Randal.
In the last while, both Jane and Mike have had some health
challenges, and haven’t been able to enjoy their cabin as they once did. The
second and third generations are looking after the cabin now.
![]() |
2011, Marnie, Mike, Gary, Mia |
I know where Bentley goes, do you know where your dog goes?
I would appreciate it if the owner of the dog who likes to dump at the bottom of my driveway would kindly clean it up. It is not Bentley.
Baldy Family
I lined up Barney with his niece and daughter at the top of the Lump today. The girls wondered why I insisted on taking their photo. I knew I had one to compare it with in my files.
Monday, December 25, 2023
Merry Christmas, Feeling the love.
I'm more of the bah humbug type, and with all the families I know who have lost loved ones this year, it doesn't seem right to say "Merry Christmas."
This community is pretty special. Great to connect with so many on Saturday night, and I hear that Friday night Karaoke was well run and well attended too. Lots of phone, personal and e-mail connections in the past couple of days.
This guy is so happy to have all of his family home from UBCO, school, and work. He did take time out to escort Paul C. to the door with a care package. Yesterday, he escorted the kids across the street who very kindly delivered a Christmas dinner to me.
Last night Bentley brought his entire family over, with a generous bunch of gifts. A handmade wreath for the door, some holiday baking, a special gift basket, and a meal for tonight.
Thank-you Baldy family.
Merry Christmas
Today, I'm going with the NOAA Bonaparte weather forecast. I choose the one that tells me what I want to hear.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
A little "modernization" History - 50 years ago today - thanks Rod
When Baldy first opened, there was no electricity. The lodge and lifts ran on diesel. We had coal oil , and Aladdin lamps in the cabin, and I remember the quiet when the diesel generator powering the lodge shut down for the night.
Rod recalls that it was 50 years ago tonight when the drive for the Baldy T bar was switched over from diesel to electric drive.
Tomorrow marks 50 years from the first Christmas Dinner Marge MacLeod cooked in the New Cabin - no power, no water.
Saturday, December 23, 2023
Kick-off Event Success
Many "ugly sweaters", some antlers, and a full house of families for dinner. I sat with 2 people I have known all of my life, and was seated next to the best dressed. I am used to seeing Kerry well dressed in good suits, but tonight the suit fabric was a bright red Christmas print. Good work Toni and Dana to get your Dad such a great outfit.
I did my usual early exit, when the noise level was climbing, and the place was getting more crowded. I don't know if they ended up dancing, because there was a whole lot of visiting going on. Lots of Christmas hugs too - special hugs for those who have lost family this year.
Thanks to Tyler from Transition Industries - there were quite a few riders who braved the cold to ride the park under the lights
Thank-you to the organizers and Baldy Team.
Slick Roads 27km East of Osoyoos
5 vehicles in the ditch within a couple of hours this afternoon, including 4x4's with good tires.
Nice turns in the sun........
Nice afternoon on the Lump - I didn't stop to take photos - trying to keep up with a 20 year old.
I did inquire about the ski trail to the village. At this time, the way to the trail is closed, because we are skiing on snow that has been farmed from there.
Happy to be skiing, appreciate the work the team has done to move and preserve snow.
Mother Nature needs to lend a helping hand.
I felt a little cool on my last couple of runs. Temperature at the end of the ski day is minus8C.
Friday, December 22, 2023
Please keep your speed down in the village.....and make sure your windshield is fully defrosted before proceeding...
This is not designated for "off street" parking................
Saturday Plans
We have some new snow, and more runs are scheduled to be open tomorrow. With the wind tonight, those snow fences up top will be collecting!
Lights and fun on the carpet.
Dance Party 6:00 to 10:00- Stop by the lodge for a bite, a sip, and connect with old friends and meet some new ones.
A little history - Belchrome Cabin
Always nice to hear from Bryan Gough, with some history and photos.
"Here's hoping that things are well with you as they are, more or less, with me. It's been a while.
Your photo of the "old Belchrome cabin" reminded me of some photos from yesteryear which may interest you, particularly one of the real, but no longer existent, "old" Belchrome cabin! The present structure was built in the mid fifties by Terry Smith and Ken Pitman of Rock Creek as a temporary shelter for use by the bulldozer operators who were at the time building the road (read, goat trail) to the top where they later did some site preparation with those same bulldozers. Terry and Ken had to hike up the last couple of miles ahead of the road builders to begin on the cabin, quite the hike through the bush with all the tools, overnight gear, food, etc., needed to last them for a few days until the bulldozers completed the road.
The first two pictures below were taken by me in 2004 and show the later roof, as it had been totally replaced by the snowmobile club(s) with sawn lumber rafters and metal roofing many years after the original construction. The bottom picture is of the actual original very small trapper's cabin which had been built, ostensibly, by Art Alden's father, Don, in an unknown bygone year. The photo was taken by my father in 1970 and shows the by-then quite rundown cabin and an acquaintance of my parents named Marie Oehler, unknown to me, checking things out. Within a few more years the cabin was completely razed by further machine activity. Terry and Ken had spent a few uncomfortable nights along with several mice and rats for companionship in that tiny structure!Not ski related I know, but I thought you might be interested. Merry Christmas!"
Christmas Cookies
These ladies are well known for being on the snow shoe trails every day. They took time out to bake this week - 4 ovens, multiple recipes, and shared the cookies. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to be part of the taste test, without doing any work.
Check out the BMR updated Events Page - BC Snowboard Events
Brandan has been working with BC Snowboard to bring events to Baldy. The "Grom" and "Elle" events look like a fun affordable activity for those interested in Park riding, and learning in a group. If you or your kids are interested, it is well worth the read on the BMR events, and . Dates are in February and March, but best to check out now. Registration is open.
Baldy is on the BC Snowboard radar, not only because of Slack Country, but we also have "Transitions Industries" here. Tyler is well respected as a park builder, as well as a careful groomer in low snow conditions.
Now, we just need more snow!
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Positive News
I am pleased to share with you that former Baldy lift operator Gavin has made remarkable progress since being very badly injured in a car crash a month ago. He is now in the rehab centre on the Children's Hospital campus. He has lots of rehab ahead of him, but it looks like he may get a pass to spend Christmas at home with his family.
The family appreciates all the prayers and good vibes sent Gavin's way.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
AIM graded their section of McKinney Road awhile ago. YRB had a grader on their section today - machine is parked in our area, so likely more tomorrow.
Guessing that the AIM operator has more experience than the YRB one.