Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas, Feeling the love.

I'm more of the bah humbug type, and with all the families I know who have lost loved ones this year, it doesn't seem right to say "Merry Christmas."

This community is pretty special. Great to connect with so many on Saturday night, and I hear that Friday night Karaoke was well run and well attended too. Lots of phone, personal and e-mail connections in the past couple of days.

This guy is so happy to have all of his family home from UBCO, school, and work. He did take time out to escort Paul C. to the door with a care package. Yesterday, he escorted the kids across the street who very kindly delivered a Christmas dinner to me.

Last night Bentley brought his entire family over, with a generous bunch of gifts. A handmade wreath for the door, some holiday baking, a special gift basket, and a meal for tonight.

Thank-you Baldy family.

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