Friday, February 23, 2024

Sessions Outdoor Sports Inc. Osoyoos


Sessions Outdoor Sports Inc.

Since the Van Os family ski shop closed in Penticton, most of us have relied on Kelowna businesses for our ski gear purchases, and some repairs.  

BMR has on mountain repairs  available during the operating season at Baldy. We now have a local sports store that sells and repairs skis and snowboards.

In the mid-seventies, I bought my Rossi Strato 102’s from my Uncle at Osoyoos Hardware and Lumber, just before he was ready to close the ski shop part of the business.

We have Josh in Penticton, and Ricardo in Vernon, but now we have Sessions in Osoyoos for bikes.

Sessions is a home-grown, locally owned and operated sports store,

created by outdoor enthusiasts for other outdoor enthusiasts.

I have yet to visit the store, but the website and their Facebook presence show enthusiasm and an ambitious range of products and services available locally.

Worth checking them out.

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