Wednesday, March 6, 2024

My annual reminder about avalanche safety.

I missed posting on the actual day, but in 2006 Patrick Reiter lost his life in an avalanche in the Kootenays. He was introduced to Baldy decades ago by Vic, and was a good friend to many on the mountain. He was here skiing the weekend before the fateful trip. 

He had all the training, experience and equipment. On a sunny day, after hanging back at the cabin because of avalanche risk, Pat and two others made the decision to go out later in the day.

I had total confidence in Pat's backcountry knowledge and capabilities. If it could happen to him, it could happen to you. Please stay safe.

Lunch Rock with Max and Maddie

Craig Gray Appreciation Party
Duane, Wayne, Mike, Craig, Mark, Pat, and Gale


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