Tuesday, September 24, 2024

‘A generous vintage’: 2022 wines now coming to market are fantastic - Penticton News

‘A generous vintage’: 2022 wines now coming to market are fantastic - Penticton News: In all the angst over the Okanagan Valley’s troubled 2023 and ’24 vintages, we’ve almost missed the good news of just how remarkable a year 2022 turned out to be.

Interesting article on Blue Mountain wines. In the early '80's, the government was paying growers to pull out vines that produced lower quality wines. Lower quality wines could be trucked up from the USA cheaper than they could be produced here.

Ian Mavety was ahead of the curve, and was already planting the varietals of the future. Ian and Jane had a vision. Lots of research and education behind the Blue Mountain Team. I don't know if Jane still does it, but her expertise was valued on wine judging panels.

Blue Mountain has continued to be a leader in the industry, and now Matt and Christie run the day to day operations. I have fond memories of the second generation in ski lessons, and racing on the Baldy team with Coach Sieglinde.

It was hard to get enough ski instructors in those days. Jane Mavety, Leslie Potter and Joan Dumoret were Baldy friends who stepped up and got their instructor certification to help out. It was natural for them to not only convey their love of skiing, but as owners, they conveyed their love of skiing Baldy.

Fun to see the second and third generations on the hill. Ian and Matt do more back country. 

I was one of the lucky ones who sampled the numbered bottles - research batches before they started the commercial winery.

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