Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Ditch Conversation

A Penticton businessman was forced to drive into the ditch on his way down - he encountered a mid-size pick-up that was sliding out of control, and chose the ditch to avoid a collision. The other vehicle did not stop, but may not have known that the bigger truck was in the ditch.

I asked for a vehicle description - was not someone from Baldy. The truck is similar to one he has seen on the road before, from lower down Baldy Road.

I was surprised at how slippery that stretch was when I stepped out of the truck.

I will be adding his business card to the services/contact page - he has done installations and inspections of woodstoves/chimney's up here. He told me Top Hat is still doing cleanings, but not installations.

He had friends, shovels and a truck his size on the way from Oliver to get him out. 

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