Some good skiing out there, and the students from Osoyoos are having a blast. Probably a challenging day for the lift operators, 😏
Forecast suggests a little snow Sunday night, with the next major snow event starting Tuesday night.
The groomer operators do their thing to refresh the surface nightly, so we are still enjoying the benefit of our last snowfall.
Baldy has used the same "Snow Survey" area for many years, so numbers can be compared from year to year. The base post is pretty tall now. I remember the season when the post went to 225cms, and was buried in the latter half of the season.
The numbers are fading, so when I stopped by yesterday, I could not read it from the rope, but took a photo to enlarge, and confirm it was sitting at 165cms.
I don't know if it stays in place year around, or gets put away in the summer. I'd happily take a sharpie and redo the numbers if I had access to it.